For a number of years, Sweden by Bike has noticed a steadily increasing interest in cycling in the northern parts of the country. Fresh air and beautiful nature play a big role, but also pleasant summer temperatures. We asked Karl Frykholm at our new partner Västerbotten Sweden some questions about cycling.
Västerbotten Sweden is an initiative that includes cycling tourism. Can you tell us briefly why you have chosen cycling as a focus area?
Since 2015, the region's tourism industry has been working on sustainability through Västerbotten Experience methodology. This has led to systematic collaboration, concrete tools and structure to work more sustainably, but also more trust and confidence in the future. Västerbotten has many different types of cycling represented and Västerbotten Sweden wants to work to bring the tourism industry together further by highlighting and collaborating on focus areas that have potential for the entire region and future generations.

Why should a cycle tourist come to you and cycle? Anything in particular you would like to highlight?
We believe that visitors are constantly looking for new places to visit and that the pandemic left many people, both nationally and internationally, with the feeling that Sweden has much unexplored to offer. This is where Västerbotten fits for the next cycling experience with winding rivers, many gravel roads, bright summer evenings and nights, punishing temperatures that encourage movement and local food that gives new strength.
You have chosen to work with us at Sweden by Bike. What do you hope to get out of this collaboration?
That even more people talk about the cycling that we have in Västerbotten and visit a selected part that suits them.

About Västerbotten Sweden: A three-year joint initiative (2023-2025) in which Västerbotten's export-interested tourism companies, municipalities and destinations join forces to ensure the quality of sustainable and joint exports.
Up to and including 2025, Västerbotten Sweden will, through a number of marketing activities, work to create awareness of and interest in the sustainable travel destination of Västerbotten. Sweden's already prominent position as a sustainable destination and the growing interest in conscious travel give us good opportunities to attract visitors in that area to Västerbotten as well. To succeed, we need a unified approach where we dare to focus and be creative, as well as a joint organization that continues after the end of the project.
Collaboration takes place between Gold of Lapland, Visit Umeå, Visit Skellefteå, Region Västerbotten tourism and municipalities in Västerbotten. Västerbotten Sweden is made possible by funds from the European Regional Fund for Upper Norrland, Region Västerbotten and own funds from the partners involved.