Stockholm is the country's largest city. There are attractions such as the Vasa Museum, Stockholm Castle, the open-air museum Skansen, the amusement park Gröna Lund and the Old Town district where many of the buildings are from the Middle Ages. Stockholm is also the city of water mirrors and greenery with its islands, many bridges and parks.
In the city's vicinity is the fantastic archipelago where you can take charming archipelago boats from central Stockholm. The city is investing in developing its bicycle network and there are many attractions that are great for getting on bike. The location between Lake Mälaren and the Baltic Sea is behind Stockholm's great importance to Sweden over the centuries. Where the castle is today, there was a strong castle at the end of the 13th century that provided protection and allowed Stockholm to grow into one of the most important trading cities in the Nordic region. The city celebrated its 750th anniversary in 2002 and the one who usually gets the honor as founder was the powerful Earl Birger Magnusson, or Birger Jarl, as he is usually called. An earl was an official of a noble family who ruled over a large area or acted as the king's closest man.
A fine example of the city's greenery is National City Park which extends over Stockholm, Solna and Lidingö. It includes, among other things, Djurgården and Fjäderholmarna, which is the world's first national city park and has an area of about 27 square meters.